Thursday, November 17, 2016

And we have movement ...

One of the things we have learned about adoption is that any movement, small movement, is a milestone. Nothing is "predictable," or guaranteed. The other thing we have learned about adoption is that when movement occurs it produces emotions beyond comprehension.

We had one of those "movement" experiences today. Yesterday, our agency made us aware that our dossier was "on the docket" for review yesterday afternoon. "On the docket" does not guarantee anything, but it was a small movement none-the-less.

You can imagine the emotion that an 8:00 am phone call ignited. 💥  It was our agency social worker calling to let us know that not only had our dossier actually made it to review, it was approved, and they verbally matched us with the kiddos.  (The verbal part is simply because the files for the kids have be transferred from the government department, ICBF, to the private orphanage)  To say I was, and then the rest of the children were, ecstatic is an understatement.  There was dancing and hugging and a little bit of screaming -- and some waking of the resident teenager. 

So what's next? The short version is that we are anticipating travel within 8 to 10 weeks. That's like two months!!!  TWO MONTHS!! We could be on a plane to Colombia to meet our kiddos in TWO MONTHS!! 

We also have some pretty significant prayer requests to go with this movement:
  • Finances - We need to come up with approximately $20,000 to be able to pay all the fees and expenses to get the kids home. Pray for God's provisions. For us to trust His timing. 
  • Hearts and Emotions - Lots of emotions, both here and in Colombia. Adoption comes from loss. There will be grief. Our resident children are excited, but they are also nervous and unsure. Pray that God would continue to prepare all of our hearts.
  • Physical Space Needs -- We are still putting the final touches on bedroom configurations. We need two more twin mattresses, closets need to be organized, and let's not even talk about our need for a "mud room." Pray that we use our space efficiently and effectively. 
We are so thankful for little "movements" that continue to show us that God is in this journey. We are trusting Him to continue to bring us peace and we know we can trust that He has all twelve of us in His sights. 

With Extravagant Love, 

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